Working Hubs With Trails

Working Hubs with Trails


The big question is what they would look like? The first clue came from Robert (Murphy) Tingle when in late 2006 he began talking about “anti” wavy steps; ones to him that looked indented instead of raised.

This did happen on a number of working dies from 2006 and 2007 on the Lincoln cent reverse dies.  Yes, this did happen and is documented on the die 2006P-1DER-030WS. This die will also carry an indicator of 2006P-1WHDER-001 (the WH stands for Working Hub).

You may ask why this working hub with trails occurred in two consecutive years. John Wexler provided the answer by stating that the reverse working hub, like some reverse working dies, were used in consecutive years. As long as there were no design changes made from one year to the next, that working hub or die may have been used to its fullest extent. So, due to this we will have two working hub trail dies; 2006P-1WHDER-001 and 2007P-1WHDER-001.




The above example is 2007P-1WHDER-001. Notice how the line is indented into the coin’s surface.



Soon after 2007P-1WHDER-001 appeared it was followed by the discovery of 2006P-1WHDER-001 which again was a working hub with trails.




Indented lines can be seen under columns 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12. Notice that these indented lines originate in the corner of the bay floor and the column.



Another working hub with trails came to light later on in 2008. This anomaly had faint, incused trail lines are seen from the tops of the letters in the EPU. The offset direction appears to be 010 degrees.  This anomaly was found by Jean Lee.



This is a similar die to 2006P-1WHDER-001 that affects the letters of the motto EPU. As with all working hub trails dies, the lines are incused on the coin face. The strength of these trail lines is dependent on when the hub made the working die.


2011P-WHDER-001             180°

Working Die 1

Working Die 2

Though not expected, it was not that much of revelation to see working hub trails follow through into the Shield reverse on the Lincoln cent. This is seen above in the images provided. The incused trail lines that are present on the Shield reverse are from the bottom of the designer’s initials. The images show two different working dies with the same incused trail lines left by the working hub. The offset direction is 180°.